Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Endocrine Research Paper Pathophysiology Diabetes Mellitus

Sugar donuts; not just sweet, scrumptious treats that make mouths salivate and stomachs smile, but also a dangerous catalyst to individuals who are uninformed. Seem improbable or unlikely? Actually, these donuts and many sugary products like it have the ability to sicken, and possibly kill, millions of people world-wide. This disease has quietly reached epidemic proportions, as according to the World Health Organization (WHO) it currently affects about 27,000,000 million in the United States and affects roughly 220,000,000 million people world-wide (6.4% of world population)(Diabetes Facts). When people think about epidemics that affect the world today, the first ones that usually come to mind are those that kill of millions of people†¦show more content†¦This is the case for someone who has either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Looking more in depth, though similar in that they both result in some type of insulin dysfunction, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have many differences as well. . Many people know of diabetes however most do not know that there are different types. For a Type 1 patient, an autoimmune disorder causes its own immune system to attack itself. In this case the immune system views the islet cells in the pancreas, which produces insulin, as foreign, and attacks it. This results in the body forming anti-bodies against these â€Å"foreign† cells which ultimately stops the production of insulin in the body (Norman). This form is known as insulin-dependent diabetes and currently affects about 22,000,000 million in the world which makes up only 10% of all diabetics (Diabetes Facts). For Type 1 diabetes, there is no definite cause as to why people get this form of diabetes, but more often than not, it is inherited because of a genetic tendency (Norman). Though genetic predisposition is thought to be the main culprit for this form of diabetes, it’s not the only cause. It can also be due to viral infections such as measles, influenza, polio or the mumps. 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